Situ Bagendit, West Javanese Folklore Indonesia
Once, in a village in Garut Regency, West Java, there lived a widow named Nyi Endit. He is a wealthy widow. With his wealth, Nyi Endit was able to buy whatever he wanted. Many poor people in the village borrow money from Nyi Endit. But Nyi Endit asked for compensation, that is, the villagers had to return money at very high interest rates. If the time has come to pay the debt, Nyi Endit will collect money from the borrower while carrying a bodyguard or bouncer. So if there is a borrower who does not want to pay the debt on time, the Nyi Endit bouncer will commit violence. Read also Bigtoken earn money online If the harvest season comes, the fields belonging to Nyi Endit always produce very abundant crops. The Nyi Endit barn always has a lot of food reserves in the face of a bad season. But this is not the case with poor villagers. When the famine comes, many farmers have difficulties and some even get hungry. The situation of the people there is very different from the situa...
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