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Situ Bagendit, West Javanese Folklore Indonesia

Once, in a village in Garut Regency, West Java, there lived a widow named Nyi Endit. He is a wealthy widow. With his wealth, Nyi Endit was able to buy whatever he wanted. Many poor people in the village borrow money from Nyi Endit. But Nyi Endit asked for compensation, that is, the villagers had to return money at very high interest rates. If the time has come to pay the debt, Nyi Endit will collect money from the borrower while carrying a bodyguard or bouncer. So if there is a borrower who does not want to pay the debt on time, the Nyi Endit bouncer will commit violence.

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If the harvest season comes, the fields belonging to Nyi Endit always produce very abundant crops. The Nyi Endit barn always has a lot of food reserves in the face of a bad season. But this is not the case with poor villagers. When the famine comes, many farmers have difficulties and some even get hungry. The situation of the people there is very different from the situation of the wealthy widow Nyi Endit. He always feasted on his house, while many poor people were starving. Villagers often call Nyi Endit the nickname of loan sharks.

Nyi Endit Holds a Party

One time the famine was taking place in the village. However, Nyi Endit was not affected by holding a party at her house. When the party was starting, suddenly one of his bodyguards came over to Nyi Endit and said: "Sorry Nyi Endit, outside there is a beggar forcing to enter. It seems like he wants to beg. "

"Banish the beggar! Don't let him enter the house. "Nyi Endit answered curtly.

Suddenly the beggar burst into Nyi Endit's house. "You really are a greedy and cruel person, Nyi Endit. We are starving because of famine, give us a little food, "said the beggar.

Nyi Endit became very angry to see the beggar so impudently forced into his house without permission. "How dare a poor person like you say that, you are impudent. Hurry and get him out of my house! ”Cried Nyi Endit.

Nyi Endit's guards immediately dragged the beggar out. But unexpectedly the beggar managed to knock out Nyi Endit's bodyguard with just one hit. The guests were amazed to see the magic of the beggar.

"If you don't want to share with poor people like me, I'll show you something," said the beggar. He then took a tree branch, then stuck it into the ground. "If you can remove this branch, then you are among the noble people in the world. If you can't remove it yourself, you can order your bodyguard. "

Nyi Endit ordered her bodyguards to pull out the tree branch. But it turned out that his bodyguards were unable to pull out a branch that seemed to be fragile.

The Beggar said again, "It turns out that your bodyguard is unable to pull it out, now you can see me doing it." The beggar could easily pull out the branch. After pulling it out, the water came out so hard from the former branch of the branch. After pulling out the branches, suddenly the beggar disappeared somewhere.

Nyi Endit's house hit by floods

Strange events then occur. An earthquake shock made Nyi Endit and her guests shocked. They were so frightened that they fled out of the house. It turned out that there was heavy rain outside the house. In an instant the house of Nyi Endit vanished submerged by the flood.

The village where Nyi Endit lives is now transformed into a lake. Surrounding residents call it by the name of Lake Bagendit or Situ Bagendit. It is said that in the lake, there was a large leech that was the incarnation of Nyi Endit. This is the end of folklore in West Java Situ Bagendit.


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